Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 3 - Aram Yang

Today was very eventful! We went around the school and played "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz to administrations! Natalie took videos of us playing for them and hopefully we will update those sometimes soon.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Day three was very eventful!
We did our first round of "street performing" by singing and playing for the administration! They seemed to be enjoying themselves! We practiced some more songs and we are trying to build up confidence to go out on the streets. We'll see what happens!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Day two was great!
We spent most of the period practicing and learning two songs, "Skinny Love" by Bon Iver and "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz. Playing in the hallways is starting to prepare us for taking it to the streets. We got a few audience members to listen including: fellow band members, part of the custodial staff, and people in the office! Hopefully we can all learn the words to the songs soon so we can get out on the streets really soon!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 2- Mike Mot

Today was a very fun day. I brought my guitar and my ukulele, and the song that we started to learn was Skinny Love by Bon Iver. It is a fun song. We then went around the school, and played to random people and teachers. This helped us play in front of strangers. I think the hardest part will be the singing, but we will see.

Day 2 - Aram Yang

I got a conga drum from Mr. Kumprey couple days ago! Thank you!

There was a club rush today and Mike and I played during first lunch, Emily joined during second lunch!

We played "I'm yours" by Jason Mraz in the hall way with people. Getting used to playing for random people!

We also stopped by the office and played for them!

Time for us to memorize the lyrics to the song.

Monday, September 19, 2011

First Day!

We sang Pokemon theme song.

I wonder if this will work out but here we goooooo.